Marrom Napisano 8 Czerwca 2020 Share Napisano 8 Czerwca 2020 W czerwcowym numerze: 13th ICPS Conference - Japan: postponed until 2021 — Koji Kondo (PDF) Preliminary identification of the agent causing the fungal disease of Aldrovanda vesiculosa — Iveta Svobodová and Lubomír Adamec (Abstract | PDF) Pinguicula antarctica Vahl and/or Pinguicula nahuelbutensis Gluch in the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta, Chile — S. Jost Casper True vivipary in two remarkable Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) from the Caribbean, P. lignicola and P. casabitoana — Paul Temple and Ivan Panco and Cristina M. Panfet Valdéz and Colmar A. Serra (Abstract | PDF) Drosera filiformis Raf. forma rubriflora J.Ksepka f. nov — Jason Ksepka (Abstract | PDF) Drosera filiformis Raf. forma viridis J.Ksepka f. nov — Jason Ksepka (Abstract | PDF) New cultivars — Brian Lipinski and Craig Heath and Stephen Wang and Mark Rubnitz and Miroslav Srba and Michael King and Laurent Taerwe and Ivan Bogdanov (Abstract | PDF) Names of carnivorous plant cultivars registered in 2019 (Abstract | PDF) Odnośnik do odpowiedzi Udostępnij na innych stronach More sharing options...
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