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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 280176
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 800
  4. Image Width 600
  5. Color TRUE
  6. Byte Order Motorola FALSE
  7. Aperture f/1.7
  8. IFD0.ImageWidth 4128
  9. IFD0.ImageLength 3096
  10. Camera Make samsung
  11. Camera Model SM-J530F
  12. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  13. X-Resolution 720000/10000
  14. Y-Resolution 720000/10000
  15. Resolution Unit 2
  16. Software Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows
  17. Last Modified 2021:09:15 22:18:33
  18. YCbCr Positioning centered
  19. Exposure Time 1/923
  20. F Number 17/10
  21. Exposure Program Normal program
  22. ISO Speed Ratings 40
  23. Exif Version 0220
  24. Date Taken 2021:09:12 13:37:48
  25. Date Digitized 2021:09:12 13:37:48
  26. Shutter Speed 985/100
  27. Aperture Value 153/100
  28. Brightness Value 662/100
  29. Exposure Bias Value -7/10
  30. Max Aperture Value 153/100
  31. Metering Mode Spot
  32. Flash Flash did not fire
  33. Focal Length 371/100
  34. EXIF.SubSecTime 0280
  35. Flashpix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  36. Color Space sRGB
  37. Image Width 600
  38. Image Length 800
  39. Interoperability Offset 832
  40. Exposure Mode Auto exposure
  41. White Balance Manual white balance
  42. Digital Zoom Ratio 0/0
  43. Focal Length (35mm equiv) 27
  44. Scene Capture Type Standard
  45. Contrast Normal
  46. Saturation Normal
  47. Sharpness Normal
  48. EXIF.ImageUniqueID X13LSKA00MM X13LSMD01MA
  49. Inter-operability Index R98
  50. Inter-operability Version 0100
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