Witam wszystkich,
Jak część z Was wie moim zamiłowaniem są dzbaneczniki. Wcześniej hodowałem również rosiczki, muchołówki, kapturnice. Jakiś czas temu zrezygnowałem zupełnie z hodowli. Teraz znów zaczynam, ale jedynie z dzbanecznikami. Kilka roślin już nazbierałem, jednak nie są to jakieś gigantyczne okazy. Będę systematycznie poprawiał moją listę roślin, a jak będzie coś ciekawego to na pewno również podzielę się zdjęciami na forum.
1. Nepenthes adnata single selected clone "West Sumatra"
2. Nepenthes alata
3. Nepenthes alata 'green-red'
4. Nepenthes alata 'speckled' "Surigao, Philippines"
5. Nepenthes alata 'Giant Orange / Red , Black Spotted'
6. Nepenthes alata var boschiana
7. Nepenthes albomarginata 'green' "Brunei"
8. Nepenthes albomarginata 'all red'
9. Nepenthes albomarginata var rubra 'red'
10. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Brunei Red' x 'Harlequin' CR28 x CR-48
11. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Williams Red' x 'Harlequin' CR1 x CR-48
12. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Harlequin' CR28 x CR-48
13. Nepenthes ampullaria 'red speckled' "Brunei"
14. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Harlequin'
15. Nepenthes ampullaria 'speckled', from seeds "Jayapura (Cycloops Mountains)"
16. Nepenthes ampullaria 'giant green' "Tayeve, Irian Jaya"
17. Nepenthes ampullaria 'brunei red' "Brunei"
18. Nepenthes ampullaria 'full red, spotted (batiq)' "Borneo"
19. Nepenthes ampullaria 'red, spotted (batiq), green lip' "Borneo"
20. Nepenthes ampullaria 'dark, green lip' "Borneo"
21. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Cantley's red'
22. Nepenthes ampullaria 'green pitcher'
23. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Bau, green'
24. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Lime twist'
25. Nepenthes ampullaria 'Williams red' (CR-1)
26. Nepenthes ampullaria 'hot lip, spotted' "Sintang area, West kalimantan" [from seeds]
27. Nepenthes ampullaria 'red with green lips' "Sintang area, West kalimantan" [from seeds]
28. Nepenthes ampullaria 'all red' var giant [from seeds]
29. Nepenthes ampullaria 'tricolor hotlips' var giant [from seeds]
30. Nepenthes andamana (as thorelii)
31. Nepenthes andamana "Takuapa, Thailand"
32. Nepenthes andamana 'giant' "Khuraburi, Thailand"
33. Nepenthes beccariana 'dark red'
34. Nepenthes beccariana 'white (very clear green)' "Pagairan area, Riau province" [from seeds]
35. Nepenthes bellii 'from a single clone'
36. Nepenthes benstonei seedgrown
37. Nepenthes bicalcarata 'orange' "Brunei"
38. Nepenthes bicalcarata 'Giant Red' "Sarawak"
39. Nepenthes bicalcarata 'red flush' "Brunei"
40. Nepenthes bicalcarata "Sri Aman, Malaysia"
41. Nepenthes bokorensis from seed "Bokor Hill"
42. Nepenthes bongso TC culture
43. Nepenthes boschiana
44. Nepenthes campanulata
45. Nepenthes chang 'orange' from seeds
46. Nepenthes chang 'speckled' from seeds
47. Nepenthes chang 'dark red, speckled' from seeds
48. Nepenthes clipeata
49. Nepenthes copelandii
50. Nepenthes deaniana clone 5 "Thumbs Peak, Palawan"
51. Nepenthes distilatoria 'pink' from seeds
52. Nepenthes faizaliana
53. Nepenthes gracilis var nigropurpurea
54. Nepenthes gracilis 'green'
55. Nepenthes gracilis 'maroon'
56. Nepenthes gracilis 'bowling pin'
57. Nepenthes gracilis 'green, speckled'
58. Nepenthes gracilis "Narathiwat, Thailand"
59. Nepenthes hamata from a single clone
60. Nepenthes hirsuta 'speckled'
61. Nepenthes hirsuta 'green'
62. Nepenthes inermis
63. Nepenthes hispida
64. Nepenthes insignis ?
65. Nepenthes insignis "Biak, Irian Jaya"
66. Nepenthes kampoatiana "30 km from Trat, Thailand"
67. Nepenthes kerrii? from seeds "Satun, Southern Thailand" BE
68. Nepenthes kerrii "Tarutao, Thailand"
69. Nepenthes khasiana from 4 clones
70. Nepenthes kongkandana
71. Nepenthes kongkandana 'green?'
72. Nepenthes longifolia "Kelog Sembilan"
73. Nepenthes longifolia 'dark'
74. Nepenthes madagascariensis
75. Nepenthes macrovulgaris 'green pitchers' "Gunung Silam, Borneo"
76. Nepenthes maxima 'wavy form' from seeds "Mt.Sesean Sulawesi"
77. Nepenthes merilliana
78. Nepenthes mira
79. Nepenthes mindanaoensis (possibly mindanaoensis x hamiguitanensis)
80. Nepenthes mirabilis from seeds "near Chana, close to Hat Yai, Thailand"
81. Nepenthes mirabilis 'red, lime peristome'
82. Nepenthes mirabilis 'wavy leaf'
83. Nepenthes mirabilis 'Kuraburi'
84. Nepenthes mirabilis 'pink pitcher'
85. Nepenthes mirabilis 'variegated'
86. Nepenthes mirabilis '(m) winged, red Red pitcher, winged tendril'
87. Nepenthes mirabilis var echinstoma 'red speckled'
88. Nepenthes mirabilis var echinstoma 'purple'
89. Nepenthes mirabilis var echinostoma "Sintang area, West kalimantan" [from seeds]
90. Nepenthes mirabilis var globosa All clones "Trang Province of Thailand"
91. Nepenthes mirabilis var globosa
92. Nepenthes neoguineensis "Depapre, wide pitchers"
93. Nepenthes neoguineensis 'black'
94. Nepenthes northiana 'single selected clone Bau'
95. Nepenthes northiana 'red, from seeds'
96. Nepenthes peltata (seed grown plants from Andy Smith)
97. Nepenthes pervillei 'from a single clone' "Seychelles"
98. Nepenthes petiolata "Mindanao, Philippines"
99. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'red-lime, from seeds'
100. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'elegance/elegant/elegans' "Brunei"
101. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'giant' clone 88 "Brunei"
102. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'giant' clone 99 "Brunei"
103. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'elongata, deep burgundy from a single clone, microprop'
104. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'elongata, nivea from a single clone, microprop'
105. Nepenthes rafflesiana var alata Mizuho Kondo
106. Nepenthes rafflesiana var nigropurpurea 'black pitcher'
107. Nepenthes rafflesiana '(g) white'
108. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'squat red' "Kuching"
109. Nepenthes rafflesiana var alata (Winged Tendril, red speckled, green striped lips) [from seeds]
110. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'red glossy' var squat [from seeds]
111. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'red blood' [from seeds]
112. Nepenthes rafflesiana var nivea [from seeds]
113. Nepenthes rajah
114. Nepenthes reinwartiana 'green'
115. Nepenthes reinwartiana 'assorted clones'
116. Nepenthes rhombicaulis "Gunung Pangulubao"
117. Nepenthes rowanae 'single clone'
118. Nepenthes sibuyanensis
119. Nepenthes smilesii "Mt.Lang Bian 1500 M ( near Da Lat City)"
120. Nepenthes smilesii 'from 6 clones' "Phu Kradung"
121. Nepenthes smilesii 'pink, assorted clones' "Dalat"
122. Nepenthes sumatrana "Sumatra"
123. Nepenthes sumatrana 'nias var.gigantic' (Pangairan area, riau) [from seeds]
124. Nepenthes suratensis "Kanchanadit, Thailand"
125. Nepenthes surigaoensis "Mt. Masay, Mindanao"
126. Nepenthes thai "Khao Ai Dang"
127. Nepenthes thorelii 'wild cutting' "Thailand"
128. Nepenthes thorelii? 'giant' "Thailand"
129. Nepenthes thorelii 'white lip'
130. Nepenthes tobaica 'red, assorthed clones' "Doloksanggul"
131. Nepenthes tomoriana
132. Nepenthes treubiana 'from 5 clones' "Andamata, Irian Jaya"
133. Nepenthes treubiana 'from seeds' "North of Fak Fak, Papua"
134. Nepenthes truncata 'red flush?' "Mt. Pasian, Mindanao, Philippines"
135. Nepenthes truncata? 'hairy'
136. Nepenthes truncata lowland
137. Nepenthes truncata big
138. Nepenthes ventricosa
139. Nepenthes ventricosa 'from 5 clones' "Mt. madja-as, Philippines"
140. Nepenthes vieillardi clone 1
141. Nepenthes veitchii 'golden peristome lowland'
142. Nepenthes veitchii 'bareo, golden highland'
143. Nepenthes veitchii 'H/L clone K?'
144. Nepenthes veitchii 'pink'
145. Nepenthes veitchii "Sri Aman"
1. Nepenthes X 'Bauensis' (gracilis x northiana) from seed
2. Nepenthes X 'Briggsiana' (lowii x ventricosa) 'red klon C?'
3. Nepenthes X 'Coccinea' [(rafflesiana x ampullaria) x mirabilis] 'red'
4. Nepenthes X 'Coccinea' [(rafflesiana x ampullaria) x mirabilis] 'spotted'
5. Nepenthes X 'Emmerenae' (khasiana x ventricosa)
6. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'red speckled'?
7. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'green'
8. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'red (cervena)'
9. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'giant'
10. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'Harlequin red, from seeds'
11. Nepenthes X 'Hookeriana' (rafflesiana x ampullaria) 'individuals from seeds with ampullaria Cantley's red'
12. Nepenthes X 'Kuchingensis' (ampullaria x mirabilis var. echinostoma) 'wide peristome'
13. Nepenthes X 'Kuchingensis' 'red, rooted cutting'
14. Nepenthes X 'Kuchingensis' 'red' x X 'Konak' [from seeds]
15. Nepenthes X 'Lady Paulinae'
16. Nepenthes X 'Medusa' (sibuyanensis x bellii)
17. Nepenthes X 'Menarik' (rafflesiana x veitchii)
18. Nepenthes X 'Miranda' (mixta x maxima) upper pitchers
19. Nepenthes X 'Predator'
20. Nepenthes X 'Red Dragon' (thorelii x truncata) from seed
21. Nepenthes X 'Red Dragon' (thorelii x truncata) 'red, rooted cutting'
22. Nepenthes X 'Trichocarpa' (gracilis x ampullaria)
23. Nepenthes X 'Trichocarpa' (gracilis x ampullaria) female
24. Nepenthes X 'Trichocarpa' (gracilis x ampullaria) 'green'
25. Nepenthes X 'Ventrata' (ventricosa x alata)
26. Nepenthes X 'Kuchingensis' x rafflesiana 'from seed'
27. Nepenthes ampullaria x sibuyanensis 'from seed'
28. Nepenthes argentii x sibuyanensis 'from seed' SL
29. Nepenthes bellii x albo-marginata 'purple/black'
30. Nepenthes bellii x aristolochioides
31. Nepenthes bellii x robcantleyi (była bellii x truncata) BE
32. Nepenthes bellii x truncata EP
33. Nepenthes bicalcarata x gracilis
34. Nepenthes burbidgeae x edwardsiana
35. Nepenthes campanulata x ventricosa 'red (801)'
36. Nepenthes campanulata x robcantleyi 'from 12 clones'
37. Nepenthes clipeata x (clipeata x eymae) Munich cross
38. Nepenthes flava x sibuyanensis (sibuyanensis BE clone x flava AW clone 16)
39. Nepenthes gracilis x mirabilis
40. Nepenthes gracilis x gracilis var nigropurpurea [from seeds]
41. Nepenthes gracillima x ventricosa
42. Nepenthes hirsuta x gracillis var nigropurpurea [from seeds]
43. Nepenthes hirsuta x maxima 'mini' [from seeds]
44. Nepenthes lowii x boschiana
45. Nepenthes lowii × ventricosa Johannes Marrabini clone
46. Nepenthes lowii x truncata (lowii Mt.Kinabalu, truncata 'squat')
47. Nepenthes lowii x veitchi
48. Nepenthes madagascariensis x ventricosa
49. Nepenthes maxima dark x maxima? upper pitchers
50. Nepenthes maxima x X 'Trusmadiensis' from seeds
51. Nepenthes merriliana x alata
52. Nepenthes mirabilis-winged x veitchii-H/L Sarawak
53. Nepenthes mirabilis x (ampullaria x viking) 'seedgrown'
54. Nepenthes mirabilis var echinostoma x rafflesiana var elongata 'from a single clone'
55. Nepenthes rafflesiana x sibuyanensis
56. Nepenthes rowanae-pink x ampullaria-Straits (d) 'speckled'
57. Nepenthes rowanae-pink x ampullaria-Straits (d) 'green pitchers'
58. Nepenthes sibuyanensis x truncata
59. Nepenthes sibuyanensis x X 'Trusmadiensis' clone "A"
60. Nepenthes singalana x aristolochioides 'from seeds'
61. Nepenthes spathulata x aristolochioides 'from seeds'
62. Nepenthes spathulata x gymnamphora
63. Nepenthes spectabilis x aristolochioides
64. Nepenthes spectabilis x bicalcarata
65. Nepenthes sumatrana x ampullaria-Straits
66. Nepenthes sumatrana x boschiana
67. Nepenthes thorelii x rafflesiana 'from seed'
68. Nepenthes thorelii x rafflesiana 'unknown'
69. Nepenthes thorelii x truncata 'Red Strip'
70. Nepenthes (thorelii x mirabilis) x viking
71. Nepenthes truncata x ephippiata 1
72. Nepenthes truncata x ephippiata source 2
73. Nepenthes truncata x aristolochioides
74. Nepenthes truncata x mira (truncata "lowland" x mira - clone "E" cross from Mirek Srba)
75. Nepenthes truncata x veitchii-H/L 'striped'
76. Nepenthes truncata x (ventricosa x mindanaoensis)
77. Nepenthes ventricosa x ephippiata
78. Nepenthes ventricosa x inermis
79. Nepenthes ventricosa x mapuluensis
80. Nepenthes ventricosa x mirabilis var globosa 'from 20 clones'
81. Nepenthes ventricosa x rafflesiana
82. Nepenthes (ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x X 'Trusmadiensis' from seed
83. Nepenthes (ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x [truncata x (spectabilis x northiana)] from seed
84. Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis (ventricosa(red) x spectabilis(elegant))
85. Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis (ventricosa(red) x spectabilis(giant))
86. Nepenthes ventricosa x robcantleyi (ventricosa(red) x truncata 'King of Spades')
87. Nepenthes ventricosa × truncata 'clone B, from seeds, wide red peristome'
88. Nepenthes ventricosa x X 'Tiveyi' (ventricosa x (maxima x veitchii)) 'klon A'
89. Nepenthes viking x ampullaria (viking 'giant' x ampullaria 'green')
90. Nepenthes viking x bicalcarata 'stripe lip'
91. Nepenthes viking x rafflesiana 'Johore spotted'
92. Nepenthes viking x rafflesiana 'red, from seeds'
93. Nepenthes viking x rafflesiana
94. Nepenthes viking A x veitchii-Sri Aman
95. Nepenthes (viking x ampullaria ) B x northiana
96. Nepenthes (viking x bicalcarata) x rowanae
97. Nepenthes viking x X 'Miranda' from seed
98. Nepenthes viking x X 'Hookeriana' from seeds
99. Nepenthes (thorelii x mirabilis) x viking [from seeds]Nepenthes (thorelii x mirabilis) x viking [from seeds]
100. Nepenthes (mirabilis var.globosa x X 'Hookeriana') x albomarginata 'red' [from seeds]
101. Nepenthes (mirabilis var.globosa x mirabilis 'hot lips') x albomarginata 'red' [from seeds]
1. Nepenthes ampullaria 'green color with dark speckled' "Sajingan, West Kalimantan"
2. Nepenthes ampullaria 'green' "Sajingan, West Kalimantan"
3. Nepenthes albomarginata 'green' "Sajingan, West Kalimantan"
4. Nepenthes beccariana 'red' "Pagairan area, Riau province"
5. Nepenthes ceciliae "1580 masl Mt. Kiamo, Mindanao"
6. Nepenthes gracilis 'Red' "Sintang area, West kalimantan"
7. Nepenthes izumiae "mountain near pasaman area,North Sumatra-West Sumatra province border"
8. Nepenthes jacquelineae "mountain near pasaman area,North Sumatra-West Sumatra province border"
9. Nepenthes mini maxima "poso-central sulawesi area around 400-600m asl"
10. Nepenthes maxima ?
11. Nepenthes neoguineensis "Cycloops mountain, jayapura Papua"
12. Nepenthes rafflesiana 'typical variant with Dark Brown' "Sajingan, West Kalimantan"
13. Nepenthes reindwartiana 'red' "Sajingan, West Kalimantan"
14. Nepenthes sumatrana 'riau' "Pangairan area, riau"
15. Nepenthes taminii "mountain near barumun area, North Sumatra province"
16. Nepenthes jacquelineae x izumiae